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So far edcurrie has created 656 blog entries.

Understanding Interest-Only Periods in Construction Loans

2023-11-08T19:33:42-05:00Construction Loans|

Construction loans play a crucial role in the real estate and development industry, providing the necessary funds to build or renovate properties. One of the unique features of construction loans is the interest-only period. We will examine what the interest-only period in construction loans is, how it works, and why it's essential for both borrowers

Construction Loan Terms Draws, Interest-Only Period, and Construction-to-Permanent Loans Explained

2023-11-06T18:55:14-05:00Construction Loans|

Embarking on a construction project is an exciting journey, whether you're building your dream home, expanding your existing property, or investing in a commercial development. To turn your vision into reality, you might need financial support in the form of a construction loan. We will explain terminologies like "draws," "interest-only period," and "construction-to-permanent loan." That

Exploring the Role of Mortgage Brokers in the Real Estate Market

2023-10-15T21:08:11-04:00Mortgage, Mortgage Rates, Mortgage Tips, Real Estate|

Obtaining a mortgage for your dream house might feel difficult. There are lots of loan choices, fluctuating interest rates, and strict rules from lenders. Getting a mortgage can be stressful. But that's where mortgage brokers come in. They're like your guides, making this process much easier. In this article, we'll learn about how mortgage brokers

Understanding Mortgage Amortizations and Why Longer Periods Can Cost More

2023-09-27T05:45:00-04:00Home Mortgage Tips|

Buying a home is one of the largest investments you will make in your life, and that's why so many people have longer mortgage amortization periods to pay down the principal. While it may seem appealing to have a longer amortization period, here's why an extended loan term can end up costing you more and may be less financially beneficial when it comes right down to it.

How to Use a Mortgage Calculator for Smart Financial Planning

2023-09-26T19:07:48-04:00Mortagage Tips, Mortgage, Mortgage Application|

In the ever-changing world of mortgages, people often get caught up in confusing terms and complicated math, resulting in a lack of clarity. Mortgage calculators were created to help overcome some of these challenges. These tools provide clarity and help you make smart choices. Let's explore how mortgage calculators help you make better decisions when

What Does Contingent Mean on a House Sale

2023-09-26T05:45:00-04:00Home Buyer Tips|

In the context of a house sale, "contingent" typically means that the sale of the house is dependent on certain conditions being met. These conditions could include things like the buyer securing financing, the completion of a home inspection, or the sale of the buyer's current home.

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