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So far edcurrie has created 660 blog entries.

Many Buyers Are Willing To Go Over Their Budget For The Perfect Home


For those who are looking for a new home, it is important to take the time to get this decision right. For a lot of people, a home is the most valuable investment they are ever going to make. As a result, it is critical to evaluate all of the options that are available. That way, everyone will get the most out of their time. What about setting a budget? How important is this and should people think about going over it?

What Do You Need To Know About Buying And Selling A Home During The COVID-19 Pandemic?


For those who are thinking about buying or selling a home during the pandemic, they may feel like this is a difficult task. Even though it is true that this is going to be a challenge, people are able to increase their success rate by adapting to a new environment. When it comes to buying or selling a home during the pandemic, there are a few tips that everyone should keep in mind.

Ed Currie’s 2021 Interest Rate Forecast

2021-01-13T17:26:40-05:00Market Outlook|

This time last year, we are all talking about a virus out of China and the Dems trying to remove President Trump from office. Fast forward a year and, well, we’re still talking about the same thing. But, a lot has happened in between! My mortgage rate forecast last year was to have rates fall

How Homeowners Can Maximize Their Tax Deductions


Owning a home is one of the biggest investments most people make in their lifetime. Being aware of tax deductions and other credits available will give this big purchase every opportunity to pay you back a little come tax time. Here are six tips for homeowners to maximize your tax deduction: Tip #1: Be Organized

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