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So far edcurrie has created 661 blog entries.

3 Millennial Home-Buying Trends Sellers Should Know


After five consecutive years of Millennials outpacing all other home-buying demographics, sellers would be wise to wrap their thinking around what makes this generation tick. According to a 2018 Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends research study, Millennials purchased more than one-third of all homes in 2017. With home purchases totaling approximately 36 percent of

3 Important Factors That Affect Your Real Estate Transaction


The real estate market is quite different from other markets and can be confusing for even the most experienced buyers and sellers. You will need the help of a real estate agent whether you are an experienced buyer or doing it for the first time. Even with the help of an agent, you can educate

Can I get a deposit for certain items?

2019-07-24T20:36:46-04:00Construction Loans|

The construction program is generally paid out based on work completed. However, deposits can be obtained for custom items where its’ typical for the provider to require a deposit. Items such as cabinets, windows, and counter tops can generally get a deposit with the final balance provided when they are on site and installed. For

What Can I Do To Prepare For Applying For a Construction Loan?

2019-07-24T20:36:55-04:00Construction Loans|

Being prepared to apply for a mortgage can be very helpful in making the process smoother. Mortgage companies are required to “fully document” a file. Below are a few items that can ensure your loan application is not derailed, and will also limit the amount of documentation needed.   Income Don’t Change Jobs: Changing jobs just

Keys to a successful construction project

2019-07-24T20:37:06-04:00Construction Loans|

If this is your first time doing a major rehab project or building a home, there will be some challenges and frustration along the way. Fortunately, when it’s all done and your vision realized, it will be well worth the time and effort. Some of the keys for a successful project are: Be Patient I’m

When should I start the loan application process?

2019-07-24T20:37:14-04:00Construction Loans|

When you should start the loan application process will depend on your scenario and a few factors.  If you are purchasing a property (or lot) at the same time you closing on the construction loan, you should apply as soon as you have an agreement with the seller to buy the property. If you already

What does it mean to be “out of balance”?

2019-07-24T20:37:22-04:00Construction Loans|

Being out of balance means you don’t have enough funds remaining in the loan based on the costs needed to complete the project.  This generally occurs when the costs of the project have increased from the original budget. For lenders it is important that there are sufficient funds available in the loan to complete the

Can I start construction before I close?

2019-07-24T20:37:31-04:00Construction Loans|

Yes you can, but it can complicate things if not done correctly.  At times clients will want to start their project before the loan has closed.  Items to consider are: Permits: Permits are not required to close but are required at the first draw.  Be very sure those are available by that time otherwise there will

How long can I be in the construction phase?

2019-07-24T20:37:38-04:00Construction Loans|

The construction phase is the period of time your home is under construction. Once your home is complete, the loan moves to the permanent phase with payments of principal and interest. Every construction phase is initially setup for 12 months. If you use less time, the loan will move to the permanent phase once your

Can I switch builders after my loan closes?

2019-07-24T20:37:54-04:00Construction Loans|

It is possible, but the process to switch builders after you close (and before completion) can be quite time consuming.  The most common reasons homeowners want to switch is due to disagreements on costs and excessive delays. When a homeowner wants to change builders, both the lender and the title company will have certain requirements. 

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