When Is the Best Time to Refinance Your Mortgage?


When you hear financial news, see advertisements or listen to friends talk about refinancing, you may wonder if it’s something you should do also. However, if finances aren’t your forté or you’re just not sure if it’s the right time, there are a few things to consider before you decide. Here are four questions you

What Is A Reverse Mortgage?


A reverse mortgage is a way to use the equity value that built up in a home to improve the quality of life for those who have appropriate circumstances when they reach the retirement age of 62 or older. With a reverse mortgage, a person continues to live in their own home and retains the title to it but does not have to make any monthly reverse mortgage payments.

Ready to Buy a Home? How to Know

2019-05-28T14:18:23-04:00Mortgage, Real Estate|

You may have heard the saying, “Homes aren’t sold, they’re bought.” This may be true, however, they’re bought by people who are ready to buy. What are the pieces of the ready-to-buy puzzle? Let’s take a closer look at them and see how or if they fit together for you. Renting’s Got You Down You

4 Ways To Pay Off My Mortgage Faster


For most people, the mortgage payment is the biggest monthly expense. Whether you're facing retirement or still working, it would be nice to be free of this debt. Although you probably can't pay it off in one lump sum, it is possible to pay off your mortgage sooner than expected.

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