The Home Buyer Assistance Program Provides Assistance To Local First-Time Homebuyers


Recently, the local region's subcommittee held a meeting using videoconferencing and discussed a new version Home Buyer Assistance Program. The Home Buyer Assistance Program has been designed to help first-time homebuyers by providing a down payment of up to $25,000. The funding for the Home Buyer Assistance Program is going to come from the city's reparations fund.

What Is The Impact Of COVID-19 On Home Value?


It is no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on everyone; however, there are a few impacts that are being overlooked. In addition to the public health crisis and the tanking of the stock market, there are also impacts of the virus on people's home values.

Why Now Is A Great Time To Apply For A Home Loan


The idea of owning a home is enough to bring joy to nearly anyone's eyes. The reality is that many people are a bit skeptical about looking for a home in the present climate. While the pandemic can make it hard for people to go outside and explore, now is still a great time to apply for a home loan.

Activities To Do Outside While Adhering Social Distancing


The era of social distancing has impacted everyone and this has left people wondering how they are going to maintain control over their sanity. The positive news is that social distancing doesn't mean that people have to stay inside at all times. There are still ways to go outside and remain socially distant. Check out a few fun activities that people can do together while still social distancing.

Get Your Finances In Order With A Few Simple Steps


If you are looking to buy a home one day but don't think you are ready just yet, you are not alone. One of the most important tasks that you have to complete involves getting your finances in order. There are a few ways to get your finances in order before you buy, no matter how long you have been waiting to buy a home. Getting your finances in order with these simple steps can help you become a more competitive applicant both for a mortgage and a home that is on the market.

The Ultimate Guide To Hard Money Loans


There are multiple types of loans out there and one of the easiest to get is called a hard money loan. On the other hand, it is also important for people to avoid being lured in by an attractive loan offer because it might be expensive.

Target The Lowest Borrowing Costs Possible When Applying For A Mortgage


When someone is applying for a mortgage, it is important to consider the other costs that go along with taking out this type of loan. While many people focus on the down payment, the size of the loan, and the interest rate, there are other costs that might go along with taking out a mortgage. These hidden fees are sometimes referred to as "nickels and dimes" that the lender tacks on to the loan to try to make some extra money. When compared to the size of the loan, many borrowers shrug this off because the loan is so big; however, nobody should have to pay more than they should. It is important to aim for the lowest borrowing costs possible when applying for a mortgage.

What Is Mortgage Insurance?


When it comes to putting a down payment on a house, most lenders are going to ask for 20 percent; however, some lenders will be willing to accept a smaller down payment in exchange for something else. That something else is usually mortgage insurance. If a lender says they are asking for mortgage insurance, which is also shortened to PMI, it is important for everyone to know what this means.

Should You Buy A Home Warranty?


When you buy a new house, the first thing you want to do is protect your investment. You already have property insurance. Should you also buy a home warranty? What Is A Home Warranty? A home warranty isn?t the same thing as insurance. Home warranties are service contracts. If a covered item breaks down and it?s covered in the terms of the warranty, the home warranty company will pay to fix or replace that item.

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