General Do’s and Don’ts when applying for a construction loan

2019-07-24T20:39:32-04:00Construction Loans|

Do: Stay in your home Pay your bills, especially your mortgage, on time Use your Credit Cards as normal, keep balances low Stay employed Don’t Start projects on home prior to approval Apply for any new credit – loans or credit cards Make a major purchase Consolidate credit cards Move money between banks accounts Take

What does a typical timeline look like on a construction loan?

2019-07-24T20:39:39-04:00Construction Loans|

Everyone’s timeline will be different.  Putting the appraisal aside, it generally will take a week or two to get the loan approved.  The approval of the loan will work concurrently with the appraisal process. The single biggest item that impacts how long it takes to close on your construction loan is when adequate plans and

What is the appraisal process?

2019-07-24T20:39:49-04:00Construction Loans|

First, a little background on the relationship banks have with the appraiser.  In today's mortgage world, appraisers are independent.  They are not staff appraisers employed banks or lenders.  They perform each appraisal assignment as independent appraisers. There has been a huge change over the past several years on what banks can do and what can

What if I change my budget after the appraisal is done but before closing?

2019-07-24T20:39:56-04:00Construction Loans|

First and foremost you want to inform your lender that you have made a change.  The budget is the lenders blueprint and payout schedule/template during the construction phase.  Not only is the loan paid out as a whole, but also as individual line items i.e. lumber, electrical, and cabinets etc. Changes, even small changes, to

What if my appraisal comes in low?

2019-07-24T20:40:32-04:00Construction Loans|

If the value comes in lower than expected, there are a few remedies to either increase the appraised value or reduce the cash to close needed. Appraised Value So what happens if you don't like the result of the appraiser's value?  There are two options if you don't like the appraiser's opinion of value: Dispute

What needs to be included in a construction contract?

2019-07-24T20:40:40-04:00Construction Loans|

The purpose of this topic is not to give legal advice of what should be in or how a construction contraction should be structured, but instead provide the general info a bank may require in the contract and items that are generally recommended to be in a construction contract. Building a home can be both

What type of insurance is needed?

2019-07-24T20:41:15-04:00Construction Loans|

You will be required to provide the lender with homeowner’s insurance that covers the construction of your home.  That may be in the form of a so-called “builder's risk policy” or it may be a standard homeowner’s policy with additional coverage for construction. If your project is a new build, it’s more likely you would

What’s needed to order the appraisal?

2019-07-24T20:41:31-04:00Construction Loans|

There could be two or three items needed before an appraisal can be ordered.  What’s needed will depend on the project.  Generally speaking the three items would be: Plans Budget Specifications Plans The types of plans needed will depend on the project you are doing.  In some cases, plans will not be needed. New construction:

Will I have to provide you will updated income and asset documentation?

2019-07-24T20:41:39-04:00Construction Loans|

Maybe.  It will ultimately depend on how long it takes for you to close on your loan. Income and asset items like pay stubs and bank statements get stale after 120 days. While that is certainly enough time to get your loan approved, delays in the planning and budgeting of the project can delay the

Will you re-pull credit after application?

2019-07-24T20:41:50-04:00Construction Loans|

Yes, sort of.  The mortgage world does a “soft pull” on all loans prior to closing.  A soft pull checks to see if any new credit has occurred after application or if existing credit increased like credit card balances or payments.  So it is very important to NOT inquire for new credit or run up

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