Will Buying A New Car Impact The Ability To Buy A New Home?


Making major life decisions often involves a delicate balancing act. Among the most significant choices, individuals face are buying a new car and purchasing a new home. Both ventures represent milestones in one's life, bringing excitement and anticipation. However, there is a complex interplay between these two financial endeavors that can significantly impact a person's ability to achieve their dream of owning a new home. Here are some factors to consider:

How Much Equity Can I Borrow from My House


In general, lenders typically allow you to borrow up to 80% of your home's equity. For example, if your home is currently valued at $400,000 and you owe $200,000 on your mortgage, you may be able to borrow up to $160,000 (80% of the $200,000 in equity you have in your home).

The Difference Between A Home Equity Loan Versus A HELOC


When homeowners need to tap into the equity they've built in their homes, two popular options are Home Equity Loans (HEL) and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC). Both types of loans allow homeowners to access funds for various purposes, such as home improvements, debt consolidation, or unexpected expenses. However, it's essential to understand the differences between these two mortgage products to make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs and financial goals. Here are some important differences between the two.

It’s An ARM Market And We’re An ARM Lender

2022-11-10T16:18:47-05:00Home Mortgage Tips|

Like a lot of people, I never thought I would see a 7.0% rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage again. But here we are. And it appears that 7.0% is the breaking point for most borrowers. Rates have simply moved too fast and too high. The result has been a significant demand in Adjustable Mortgage

Attention Real Estate Pros! We Have Mortgage Options For Your Clients


As a portfolio lender, we underwrite and hold onto our own loans in most cases. This allows for flexibility on files that “make sense” but maybe fall outside the standard profile. Scenarios where we have an advantage over non-bank lenders would be: ARMs Many clients are getting very comfortable with an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM)

How To Avoid The New Higher Interest Rates On Second Homes

2022-02-17T17:03:26-05:00Home Mortgage Tips|

It used to be that the rates for buying or refinancing a second home were more or less the same as those for buying or refinancing a primary home. Those days are gone now, though. The Federal Housing Finance Agency is going to raise fees/rates as of April 1, 2022 on some home loans, specifically

What Is The Difference Between A Home Equity Line Of Credit And A Home Equity Loan?


Everyone can use an infusion of funds, especially during the holidays. Whether you’re looking to pay off credit cards, consolidate debts, pay off next semester’s tuition for your children or deal with medical bills, access to additional funding is quick and easy with a home equity line of credit (HELOC). What Is A HELOC? As

5 Essential Tips For Buying A Home During Summer

2021-05-06T14:02:19-04:00Home Buyer Tips|

Summer is a perfect time to buy a home. Plants are at the height of their bloom and the sunshine makes every property look warm and inviting. However, low supply and high demand may make buying a home during this season challenging, so here are a few tips to help you navigate this quickly changing

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