Why do you need so much stuff?

We in the mortgage industry ask that same question every day.  The quick answer is because we do.  The longer answer is that out of the financial crises of the late 2000s the Dodd-Frank Act was created which created the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) which created a rule called the Ability to Repay (ATR). ATR requires that all mortgage lenders fully document a borrower’s ability to repay their loan.  If they fail to do so, and the borrower defaults on their loan, the borrower can sue the bank for their failure to do their due diligence.  It does not matter if there was a job loss or death in the family etc. So because of this heightened legal risk, mortgage lenders are now asking for “everything”.  This is the obvious things like pay stubs and bank statements but also the things that don’t seem to really matter like what that deposit was in your bank account. ATR has particularly hard on people who are self-employed or have an ownership interest in a partnership or business (regardless of how insignificant it is). So the bottom line is we don’t like asking clients for lots of stuff and we don’t ask for things that we don’t need.

We in the mortgage industry ask that same question every day.  The quick answer is because we do.  The longer answer is that out of the financial crises of the late 2000s the Dodd-Frank Act was created which created the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) which created a rule called the Ability to Repay (ATR).

ATR requires that all mortgage lenders fully document a borrower’s ability to repay their loan.  If they fail to do so, and the borrower defaults on their loan, the borrower can sue the bank for their failure to do their due diligence.  It does not matter if there was a job loss or death in the family etc.

So because of this heightened legal risk, mortgage lenders are now asking for “everything”.  This is the obvious things like pay stubs and bank statements but also the things that don’t seem to really matter like what that deposit was in your bank account.

ATR has particularly hard on people who are self-employed or have an ownership interest in a partnership or business (regardless of how insignificant it is).

So the bottom line is we don’t like asking clients for lots of stuff and we don’t ask for things that we don’t need.

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Why do you need so much stuff? | Ed Currie Construction Loans
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Down payment:
Loan amount:
Initial interest only payment:
Final interest only payment:
Principal and interest payment:
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Do you own the property?

Please let us know if you already own the property.

Amount your owe on home

If you own the property and this is a refinance, please enter the amount you owe on your home.

Price of property/land

If you don't own the property (or land) please enter the price you will pay to purchase it.

Cost of construction project

Please enter the cost of the construction project you are planning.

Value of home when complete

Enter the expected appraised value of the home when your construction is complete.

Down payment

This is the calculated required down payment to receive the loan.

Loan amount

This is the calculated loan amount for your project.

Interest rate

enter the expected interest rate for your loan.

Length of project (months)

Number of months you expect your construction project to take to complete.

Initial interest only payment

The initial interest only payment is calculated as an interest only payment of the maximum loan minus the cost of construction.

Final interest only payment

The final interest only payment during construction is calculated as an interest only payment for the maximum loan amount.

Principal and interest payment

The principal and interest payment for the remainder of the 30 year term of the loan.