Construction Articles2015-12-04T02:09:22-05:00

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Will Buying A New Car Impact The Ability To Buy A New Home?

Making major life decisions often involves a delicate balancing act. Among the most significant choices, individuals face are buying a new car and purchasing a new home. Both ventures represent milestones in one's life, bringing excitement and anticipation. However, there is a complex interplay between these two financial endeavors that can significantly impact a person's ability to achieve their dream of owning a new home. Here are some factors to consider:

By |Mortgage|

How Much Equity Can I Borrow from My House

In general, lenders typically allow you to borrow up to 80% of your home's equity. For example, if your home is currently valued at $400,000 and you owe $200,000 on your mortgage, you may be able to borrow up to $160,000 (80% of the $200,000 in equity you have in your home).

By |Mortgage|

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