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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – July 13, 2020

Last week's scheduled economic news included readings on consumer credit, job openings, jobless claims, and mortgage rates. Consumer Borrowing Declined at Slower Pace in May According to Federal Reserve data, consumer borrowing fell at a slower annual pace of -5.30 percent in May as compared to April's reading of -20 percent. Non-revolving consumer credit, which includes vehicle and student loans, increased by 2.30 percent in May. The Federal Reserve does not report on real estate loans.

By |Financial Reports|

4 First Things You Should Do After You Move In

Congratulations on moving into your new house! But hold on. Now that the house is yours, there are a few things you'll want to do in order to make life in your new home more comfortable and secure. Before you plan your housewarming party, here is a list of the first things you should do after you move in.

By |Mortgage Tips|

The Renovations That Provide The Best Return On Your Investment

Renovating a home is not only a way to increase the family's standard of living but it can also be seen as an investment. There are multiple ways for someone to increase the value of their home and renovations are one of the most straightforward. At the same time, some investments offer a better return than others. Those who are thinking about selling their home in the future should strive to get every dollar possible. Renovations can make this happen.

By |Mortgage Tips|

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