Should You Buy A Home Warranty?


When you buy a new house, the first thing you want to do is protect your investment. You already have property insurance. Should you also buy a home warranty? What Is A Home Warranty? A home warranty isn?t the same thing as insurance. Home warranties are service contracts. If a covered item breaks down and it?s covered in the terms of the warranty, the home warranty company will pay to fix or replace that item.

The Basics Of A Mortgage


The vast majority of people who are interested in buying a home are not going to be able to pay cash for the home. Even for those who can buy a home in cash, they often would rather take out a loan to avoid pulling money out of their investments where they would have to pay capital gains taxes.

Routine Maintenance Of Various Systems In Your Home

2020-06-02T12:40:42-04:00Mortgage Tips|

When you are a first-time homeowner, learning about your property can feel overwhelming. There are a number of systems in your home that require routine maintenance. Knowing when to have system serviced will help keep your home running smoothly. From the plumbing in your home, to the heating and cooling, understand that each system may need routine maintenance from time to time.

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