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So far edcurrie has created 660 blog entries.

Getting A Lower Interest Rate During A Refinance


There are a lot of people who have spotted the record-low mortgage rates right now and are wondering if they can refinance successfully. While many people apply for a refinance of their current home loan, not everyone will be approved. Furthermore, a home refinance is not the best option for everyone. Those who want to qualify for record-low refinance rates need to keep a few key points in mind.

Purchase The Right Amount Of Home Insurance


For most people, their home is the most valuable investment they will ever make. Therefore, it needs to be protected. This is where homeowners' insurance is critical. At the same time, buying the right amount of homeowners' insurance can be a bit of a challenge.

What To Watch Out For When Buying A Home

2020-12-10T13:40:09-05:00Mortgage Tips|

Buying a new home is an exciting experience. At the same time, it is also important for everyone to think about a few important topics that have to be discussed before they place an offer on a home. That way, everyone can rest easy, knowing they have done their due diligence when it comes to purchasing a new home.

Home Values Are Impacted By School Zones: Is The Move Worth It?


If you are looking for a home, then you probably have a budget in mind. You also need to know about the most common factors that influence the price of a home. One factor that always seems to play a role in the price of a home is the quality of the school system. This makes sense. After all, a lot of people who are looking for a home have children (or are planning on having children) and want to make sure they have access to a quality education. At the same time, is it truly worth the price increase to have access to a better school district?

Buying A Home Virtually

2020-12-03T13:40:08-05:00Mortagage Tips|

During the past few months, everyone has been going through unprecedented times. Every industry has been impacted and this includes the real estate sector. There are lots of people who are still trying to buy and sell a home during an era of social distancing. This can make it hard to look at a prospective property in person. The good news is that there are still ways for people to buy a house virtually. There are a few tips that everyone should keep in mind.

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