The Advantages Of A Dual-Location Lifestyle

2019-12-27T13:40:20-05:00Real Estate|

Commuting for hours in traffic on a daily basis is a waste of resources, time, and money. It is stressful and bad for the environment. The infrastructure in many parts of the United States is falling apart. The roads and highways do not have sufficient capacity to handle the demands of the traffic load that continues to increase each year. Many busy professionals and families are turning to a solution of owning two homes for the convenience of enjoying dual-location living.

Questions To Ask When Transitioning To A Retirement Community

2019-12-26T13:40:09-05:00Real Estate|

One of the dreams that many people have is to eventually retire. People work their entire lives and save diligently to be able to enjoy those golden years. When the time finally comes, people need to think about the community that is right for them. With this goal in mind, there are a few common questions that everyone should ask to find their ideal retirement community.

Culture Clash: Why Boomers Are Moving Back to Big Cities

2019-12-19T13:40:18-05:00Real Estate|

"Baby Boomers," defined as people who were born between 1946-1964, are the wealthiest generation to ever retire, as well as the largest. According to U.S. Census Bureau projections, the population of people 65 and older will increase by 36% between 2013-2023 and is expected to outnumber children by 2034 -- for the first time in U.S. history.

Why Winter is the Best Time to Buy a Home

2019-12-09T17:42:10-05:00Real Estate|

Ah, the spring and summer months! Homeowners listing their homes put out the “for sale” signs to take advantage of this seasonal seller’s market. Meanwhile, the warm weather and the end of the school year help to bring out the homebuyers. However, house hunting in December and the subsequent winter months – when the cold

5 Essential Tips For Painting A House

2019-12-09T17:40:09-05:00Real Estate|

When someone makes the decision to purchase a home, they often want to add their own personal touch, style, and flair to the home. One of the ways to do this is to paint the home. Of course, painting a home is a significant investment in terms of both time and money. It is important for everyone to keep a few tips in mind to make sure this process goes smoothly.

Top 5 Transit-Friendly Neighborhoods in Chicago

2019-10-25T17:24:49-04:00Real Estate|

With the second largest public transportation system in the country, it’s no wonder Chicago is ranked among the top 10 cities to live for public transit. With multiple rail, bus and subway options available, more than 1.5 million people each day take advantage of Chicago’s well-organized system to get around the Windy City. Whether you’re

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