Case-Shiller: February Home Prices Gained Before Coronavirus Outbreak

2020-04-30T12:40:48-04:00Market Outlook|

Home prices continued to grow in February according to the Case-Shiller Home Price Indices. National home prices grew at a seasonally-adjusted annual pace of 4.20 percent as compared to national home price growth of 3.90 percent in January. Case-Shiller's 20-City Home Price Index showed higher home price growth rates in February with average annual home price growth of 3.50 percent. January home prices grew by 3.10 percent for cities included in the 20-City Index.

Case-Shiller Reports Growth In Home Prices In November

2020-01-29T13:40:10-05:00Market Outlook|

Case-Shiller Home Price Indices reported that national growth of home prices rose by 0.30 percent in November. Analysts said that slim inventories of available homes boosted home prices. Whether or not home price growth continues gaining speed depends on variables including supplies of homes for sale, affordability and home-buyer confidence in the economy.

Case-Shiller: Home Prices Growth Slows in March

2019-08-01T12:40:18-04:00Market Outlook|

Home price growth slowed again in May according to Case-Shiller home price indices. Home price growth slowed for the 14th consecutive month to its lowest rate in 12 years. Case-Shiller's National Home Price Index showed 3.40 percent growth year-over-year in May as compared to April's year-over-year reading of 3.50 percent.

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