Case-Shiller: Home Prices Continue Rising in November

2021-01-29T13:40:09-05:00Financial Reports|

Case-Shiller Home Price Indices reported a year-over-year national home price gain of 9.50 percent for November 2020. Home prices continued to grow in response to high demand for homes and homeowner relocations in response to the covid-19 pandemic. Inventories of pre-owned homes remained low. Home prices rose at a slower pace in November but remained strong in most areas.

Shopping For Home Improvement Supplies Safely

2020-09-29T12:40:12-04:00Mortgage Tips|

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted everyone and everyone is trying to go about their lives in a safe manner. With so many people spending time at home, now is the perfect time to conduct home improvement projects. At the same time, carrying out a home improvement project is going to require supplies. While many people are trying to avoid going to the store to buy supplies right now, there are also no contact ways to shop for home improvement supplies. Take a look at the tips below and collect supplies for the home improvement project in a safe way.

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