Coronavirus (COVID-19) Concerns Lead To Drop In Mortgage Rates


The issues surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic have impacted the entire world. This includes the stock market right here at home. The stock market has plummeted and so, too, have mortgage rates. While the Coronavirus (COVID-19) gives everyone cause for concern, real estate agents are saying that now is the right time to buy a house.

Find The Best Mortgage Deal With A Few Simple Steps


Currently, this is a great time to be in the market for a new home. The interest rates on mortgages have fallen countless times over the past few years. Even though interest rates have been in the double-digits in the past, there are homeowners today who are able to agree to a mortgage for less than three percent.

4 Things To Do Before Co-Signing A Mortgage For Your Child


It can be hard to convince a lender that a young person is ready to buy a house. There may not be a long credit history, a lack of assets might make it hard to fund a down payment, and the buyer's age can cause banks to hesitate. One of the ways for parents to help with this process is to co-sign on the mortgage. Before doing this, there are a few important steps to keep in mind.

How A Reverse Mortgage Can Help With Long-Term Care


Anyone who has paid attention to the TV recently has likely seen a lot of commercials for something called a reverse mortgage. For those who might not know, a reverse mortgage is exactly that. In this option, people receive monthly payments from a lender in exchange for equity in their homes. In essence, this functions as an annuity.

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