FOMC Statement: Fed Holds Steady On Its Interest Rate Range

2019-12-12T13:40:10-05:00Market Outlook|

The Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve announced its unanimous decision not to change to the current target federal funds range of 1.50 to 1.75 percent. The committee's customary post-meeting statement said the decision not to change the Fed's target range for federal funds was based on factors including a strong labor market, moderate economic growth, continued job growth, and low unemployment.

FOMC Statement: No Changes to Key Fed Rate

2019-05-02T12:40:10-04:00Market Outlook|

The meeting of the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee ended Wednesday with the Committee's customary post-meeting statement recapping monetary policy matters considered by the Committee. Members voted not to change the current target rate range of the federal funds rate. The current rate range of 2.25 percent to 2.50 percent.

FOMC Minutes Reveal Fed Policymakers U-Turn

2019-04-11T12:40:09-04:00Real Estate|

Members of the Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee voted to hold the target range of the federal funds rate to its current range of 2.25 to 2.50 percent. The minutes of the most recent Committee meeting cited softening domestic and global economic conditions as reason for not raising the target federal funds range.

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