How To Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal

2021-06-21T21:48:15-04:00Home Tips|

The sunshine, the breeze, and longer days make spring and summer great times for doing some improvements around your home. Especially if you are considering putting your home on the market, a few easy changes can make your home stand out from the rest. Looking for inspiration on how to increase your home’s curb appeal?

10 Spring Maintenance Tips For Homeowners

2021-04-15T13:27:05-04:00Around The Home|

Spring has sprung! While we welcome the new season and longer days, the downside is that the warm sun shines a spotlight on home maintenance needs. Use this checklist to prepare your home so you can have a stress-free summer! Exterior Home Needs When bricks chip, the interior becomes susceptible to moisture, which can cause

Home Maintenance Projects That Could Save You Thousands On Repairs

2020-05-12T12:40:42-04:00Real Estate|

Owning a house comes with major responsibilities and one of the most important is routine maintenance. While many people like to skip routine maintenance in an effort to save money, the reality is that these routine maintenance is going to save people down the road. The reality is that maintenance is a homeowner's first line of defense when it comes to protecting their most valuable investment, which is their home.

The 5 Best Power Tools For Home Improvement On The Market Today

2020-05-08T12:40:42-04:00Real Estate|

For most people, their home is the most valuable investment they are ever going to make. Therefore, it should make sense that people will want to improve its value over time. In this case, people are going to need to invest in power tools. Those who are interested in home improvement projects need to know about the five most important power tools available in today's market.

Home Improvements That May Improve Resale Value

2020-02-14T13:40:09-05:00Real Estate|

Did you know that some home improvements lower the resale value of a home and decrease the number of potential buyers? If you are going to repaint the exterior of your home bright, traffic-cone orange and try to sell it for a high price, think again! Maybe, if the artist Pablo Picasso once lived there that might work, but probably not under any other circumstances.

Common Problems Faced By New Homeowners

2020-02-13T13:40:11-05:00Real Estate|

Buying a new home is a big step for individuals and families. This is a time for celebration as the new furniture gets moved in, everyone gets adjusted, and the honeymoon phase starts with the new home. On the other hand, buying a home also means that all of the responsibilities rest with the owners.

Home Warranties: Are They Worth It?

2020-01-23T13:40:09-05:00Real Estate|

Owning a home comes with major responsibilities and also offers major questions. One of the biggest questions that people will have to answer is whether or not they want to take out a home warranty. In order to decide whether a home warranty is worth it, it is important to first understand what a home warranty is.

3 Critical Considerations When You Choose Your Garage Doors

2020-01-03T13:40:10-05:00Real Estate|

Owning property comes with a number of major responsibilities. This includes home maintenance and repairs. One of the common topics that people think about is the garage door. Sometimes, the garage door breaks and needs to be replaced. Other people might be adding a garage door for the first time. There are lots of options to choose from and this is an important decision.

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