How To Avoid The New Higher Interest Rates On Second Homes

2022-02-17T17:03:26-05:00Home Mortgage Tips|

It used to be that the rates for buying or refinancing a second home were more or less the same as those for buying or refinancing a primary home. Those days are gone now, though. The Federal Housing Finance Agency is going to raise fees/rates as of April 1, 2022 on some home loans, specifically

How To Negotiate A Better Mortgage Rate


For those who are thinking about buying a house in the near future, they want to make sure that they get the best mortgage rate possible. At the same time, if people who want to reduce the interest rate on their mortgage, then they need to do everything you can to make yourself as attractive as possible to lenders. When they are negotiating for a better rate on your mortgage, they need to keep a few important points in mind.

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