Financing Major Home Renovations: How a Construction Loan Can Help

2023-03-21T15:15:10-04:00Construction Loans|

Major home renovations are a popular choice among homeowners who wish to improve the value and functionality of their homes. From expanding kitchens to adding new rooms or even building an entire addition, these projects can dramatically improve a home's livability and market value. However, they can also come with a hefty price tag, making

Spring Trends To Freshen Up Your Home

2022-04-01T10:01:34-04:00Around The Home|

Spring is the time of year for cleaning, but it’s also a great time to incorporate one or two trends to consider a little updating, especially if you’re planning to list your home for sale. Consider trying one or more of these trends to enjoy this spring. Large Mirrors Mirrors are great for taking making

Winter Maintenance Tips For Homeowners

2021-11-10T16:06:04-05:00Around The Home|

Now that the chill in the air has arrived, it’s time to get your house ready for the deep-freeze. Damage caused by water and extreme cold can be costly to repair, so use this checklist to prepare your home so you can have a stress-free winter! Interior Home Needs If you haven’t had your heating

How to Prepare Your Home Before Going on Vacation

2021-10-15T11:08:02-04:00Around The Home, Home Tips|

Now that the pandemic has eased a bit, we’re starting to slowly get back to normal. For many of us, travel is once again something to look forward to, with those of us in the Northeast planning a winter break to a beach. Before you head for the airport though, make sure your home is

Is Home Insurance Required When You Buy A House?

2020-11-19T13:40:16-05:00Mortgage Tips|

For those who are thinking about buying a house in the near future, they are probably in the process of tabulating up all of their expenses. One of the common expenses is home insurance. Even though home insurance is certainly recommended, is it actually required? There are many situations where it is required. At the same time, even when it is not required, it is still a good idea. When it comes to homeowners' insurance, there are a few important points to keep in mind.

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